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How to make effective training videos for your business
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How to make effective training videos for your business

Training videos have always been the most popular way to deliver and consume content. In fact, it is regarded as the future of content, and that is not changing anytime soon.

Training videos are video-based contents that show someone through the process of how to do something. Videos are perfect for “how-tos” and training because it shows and educates the viewers practically on what they need to know. Not only that, videos are more captivating and engaging than mere texts.

Now let’s analyze it. Would you not rather watch a 10minutes video teach you a step-by-step on how to do a particular thing than read a ten-page guide on the same thing. That is the power of training videos.

Whether you are trying to create awareness for your brand or creating new channels to engage your customers, video is the best for it.

In the past few years, training videos have proven to be an effective way to deliver training and boost your business. There is little to no idea of how this magic occurs. Training videos have grown to replace training guides because it saves you cost, time and investment.

Even if you have never made a video or do not know how to make good converting videos, these few key steps will help you ensure success.

  1. Pick a topic: The first and most important thing to do when creating a training video is to pick a relevant topic. You have to understand who your audience is and what type of tone would interest them before creating this video. You won’t believe how quickly people abandon a video just because the topic doesn’t interest them and how many people keep watching a particular video because they are genuinely interested in the topic. Selecting the right topic for your audience is very important for your video. You must develop an understanding of your audience and their needs. Take your time to research to find out the topic they are interested in. This will expose you to the objective goal of this video and how it will relate to the overall plan.
  2. Great content is as important as the video: The soul of any training video is the content. Some people may refer to it as the script. Even if you have a kickass video without good or sound content, you are going to flop. Half of your time should be devoted to developing exciting and engaging content before creating your video. If you go into making a video without a proper script, there are chances that it will not end up well. The most important thing to do after choosing a topic is to write your script. If you’re doing a screencast or micro-video that involves screen recording, go through the process you plan to show. This will help you think of how to explain the process better if an audience is sitting close to you. It lets you get an idea of what you want to show in your video and how you plan to achieve that. People remember stories, especially those they can relate to and are inspired by. Get your fact, stats, and actionable information into the script and make it a part of an overall narrative.
  3. Keeping it concise: This is one neglected effective way to create a training video. A well-written script should be short and precise. You don’t want to cut your audience off between the video with boring and unimportance lines. Cut out any extra words or unnecessary jargon. Remember, your goal is to provide information to a vast number of people. Your messages have to be short, concise, and precise. It should be direct enough to hit the main points. As you keep your viewers stuck to their screen, you don’t want to keep them long enough to lose interest. If you’re going to achieve this, go back to your script and trim it down. You can have your team members help you to achieve that. Remember, the video content is as essential as the quality of the video itself.
  4. Now create the video: Once you are done with your prep work, you can now go-ahead to shoot your training video. You don’t have to be a pro to shoot a great video. Remember, there are ways to edit your video after shooting your video. But this doesn’t stop you from making sure your video comes out great.

Shooting will require more equipment, unlike when trying to prep for your video. This process can get pretty complex, but you want to make sure you have an HD video. If you’re a beginner, these are little tips to help you achieve a great video:

  • Prep the time, date, and location before time. This is important to help you maximize your time on set.
  • Choose the right environment; a quiet place that doesn’t get much employee traffic should be the best option. It could be a conference room or an off-site rented studio.
  • Remember that the sound of your video is essential; avoid a busy or rowdy environment.
  • Capture B-roll footage: this is the extra footage to enhance the training experience. This footage can be edited over the top of the presenter footage. B-roll footage is essential. Make sure you have a plan to capture it before shooting.

5) Edit your video: Editing your video is crucial for creating a great training video. Video editing may be time-consuming, but you want to make sure you get it right. Editing your video is the only chance to bring the perfect training video you had in mind to live. There are many video editing software available for you, and some are free while others have prices attached to them. All you have to do is choose one that is best for your budget and your skill. Use your company logo, color, or palate; this helps create a consistent look for your training video. Some people may prefer to add background music, but this is less important in your training video because it could cause a distraction for learners.

Share and distribute your video: Your training video is ready and perfect now. The next step is to share and distribute. If your video is for an internal audience, it may be hosted on LMS. You will want to work with your LMS admin to host training videos. There are many online platforms available for that, where this video can be copied and shared with anyone by just copying the URL.

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